In this area, we would like to share our Corporate events, click on the pictures and enter the colorful and a bit crazy world of TeaPakies movies with us!
Season’s Greetings!
December 2022 – TeaPak’s Season Greetings to all the Employees and Suppliers, with the hope that New Year will bring health, well-being and happiness.
Yoga Class at Palazzo Re Enzo in Bologna
October 1st 2021 – A day of Yoga in the wonderful setting of Palazzo Re Enzo, in the heart of Bologna, together with our German colleagues and the members of the Board, coming from different parts of the world. An exciting day, in the name of psychophysical well-being and multiculturalism, celebrating together the centrality of the Person with its peculiarities and the importance of respect for our Planet, all seasoned with some tears coming from our hearts and a lot of fun!
Imola G.O.!
September 30th 2021 – TeaPak was finally able to officially celebrate the inauguration of the New Home, with all the Employees as well as several Guests, including Suppliers, external Partners, Municipal and Regional Public Authorities, the Bishop of Imola, German colleagues and Yogi Tea Members from different parts of the world. It was an exciting and joyful ceremony, that “represented a historic milestone that we have strongly desired with constant foresight, a milestone that means new impulse and new opportunities for our Company and our Brand. Our Mission is to keep on creating wellness with the products we manufacture and sell all over the world, but also wellness for our People, without whom all this would not be possible” as the Managing Director Andrea Costa stated.
Welfare Champion 2021
September 16th 2021 – And for the second year in a row… TeaPak went to Rome to receive the eminent “Welfare Champion” award, the highest rating in the national Welfare Index PMI certification organized by Generali Italia. TeaPak received the “Health” special mention, assigned to a total amount of only five Companies out of 6,000 participants, for the great attention paid to the issue of the psychophysical well-being of its Employees.
The Welfare Champion award is given to “Companies with a Corporate welfare system characterized by a very significant level of initiative (both in terms of range and intensity), high management skills and economic-organizational commitment (proactivity, orientation towards social innovation, systematic involvement of workers) and significant social impacts on the Community inside and outside the Company, measured by indicators such as: composition and trend of employment, working conditions, contribution to the local community and commitment to consumers and suppliers”.
All TeaPakies as one
July 23rd 2021 – More than 100 people under the same roof, 6 different religious beliefs and origins from 11 countries: today our “Flags Project” has been completed and inaugurated, with which we strongly wanted to pay tribute to our beautiful and colorful diversity, which we consider a great strength. 11 flags in our green area, clearly visible to all, which represent the different nationalities present in the Company, but above all which represent our desire to enhance every single Person, with their peculiarities and potential.
Woman’s Day
March 8th 2021 – At TeaPak, we have always been proud of never needing to implement “pink quotas” (female quotas). Our staff is equally distributed, even at the Executive and Managerial levels, and we have never needed to handle this “issue”, because when someone is worth and proves to deserve to be part of our Family, there is no gender that stops us.
Global Charity Race
September 24th 2020 – Wellness and solidarity are a fundamental combination for TeaPak and the entire YogiTea Group and, because of that, we have decided not to let the pandemic stop us from putting into practice our solidarity actions combined with psychophysical well-being, organizing an extraordinary international event that involved the 3 locations in Italy, Germany and the United States: a Global Charity Race in which we ran/walked, together with family and friends, taking pictures of the landscapes and uploading them in a dedicated Facebook Group. For each kilometer covered, the Global Management defined an amount that afterwards each location has donated for local solidarity activities. TeaPak has supported Trama di Terre, Fondazione Santa Caterina, Per le Donne, Susan G. Komen and the Imola kennel.
Welfare Champion 2020
September 22nd 2020 – For the first time, TeaPak participated in the Welfare Champion competition, a national event organized by Generali Italia, and won the award with the highest possible rating, 5 stars, also receiving a special mention for Resilience against Covid. It was a great satisfaction to receive this national award compared to more than 6,000 participating Companies, all over the Country, demonstrating TeaPak’s commitment to the care and development of Employees and their families, and it was a great honor to be awarded by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The Welfare Champion award is given to “Companies with a corporate welfare system characterized by a very significant level of initiative (both in terms of range and intensity), high management skills and economic-organizational commitment (proactivity, orientation towards social innovation, systematic involvement of workers) and significant social impacts on the Community inside and outside the Company, measured by indicators such as: the composition and trend of employment, working conditions, contribution to the local community and commitment to consumers and suppliers”.
Our 2020 in less than 5 mins
December 2020 – It has been a very tough year, the Pandemic has caught us all unprepared and left us shocked, but, despite this, TeaPak has achieved many important goals, first of all the completion of our New Home and the related Move. A year full of emotions, very challenging but full of satisfaction, which has made TeaPakies a Family more and more united.