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Uplift Humanity by Serving Body, Mind and Spirit, while Healing our Planet
Our Mission
We live with passion. We believe that motivation is our greatest power, relying on our dedication to make a difference to the world. We facilitate intellectual curiosity, knowing how important it is to be mentally open and to never stop learning to maintain a global approach.
We hold deep trust in People to grow together, day after day, and to be more authentic, collaborative and respectful of diversity. We keep our promises, seeking consistency, honesty and good ethics. We place ourselves at the disposal of others because we know that together we can go further.
We believe in the importance of continuous improvement and promoting a culture of change, creativity and courage because the World cannot help but change and evolve. We seek harmony between mind, body and spirit, pursuing well-being in all its forms.
We actively participate in solidarity actions and promote the principles of equality and social justice that form the basis of our philosophy “Doing good is good and makes us feel good”. We take care of our planet, making conscious choices and working day after day to make the world a better place.

Our values
Promotion of well-being
The company promotes well-being in all its forms and meanings: well-being of the body, well-being of the mind, well-being understood as “being well together with others” and also “doing good for others”. In fact, TeaPak considers the psycho-physical health of its workers to be central. However, relationships and social interactions are equally important, as well as contributing to increasing the well-being of the local community. Looking to the future, we are aware that there will be no well-being if we do not take action to safeguard our planet together and to guarantee everyone equal opportunities to lead a dignified life and be self-fulfilled.
Passion and involvement
The company believes it is essential to create a working environment that directly involves employees in company life and promotes a bottom-up approach, allowing employees to have an active role in the continuous improvement processes. This takes place through enhancing the individual and their talents, and ensures that employees cultivate and nourish passion for their job each day, spreading the practice of “taking care” of each activity, from the simplest to the most complex. The only way to make a real difference is to work with passion!
Innovation and continuous improvement
The company aims to always work according to the highest quality standards in all company departments. We encourage employees to participate proactively and creatively in order to create the optimal conditions for change and innovation, with the common goal of improving company performance each day. One of TeaPak’s main objectives is to provide the final consumer with a product that meets the highest quality standards while at the same time protecting the planet’s resources. TeaPak produces and packages only organic products in compliance with mandatory EU legislation. All Yogi Tea products have been awarded the European Organic Logo, testament to our strict compliance with the rules on organic production established at the European level.
Trust and respect
TeaPak has always cared about respecting and protecting the dignity of workers in compliance with international conventions, and national and EU laws to protect workers.
In fact, TeaPak bases its business on respect for the individual in all forms, promoting inclusion and considering diversity as a value.
All staff must be guaranteed freedom to express their ideas and beliefs in compliance with current legislation, respecting the rights and dignity of others and harmoniously coexisting in their respective roles.
We undertake not to discriminate against workers based on their race, color, faith, origins, sex, age, citizenship, religion, regional origins, disability, marital status, or any another characteristic protected by law. We recruit staff and establish conditions of employment objectively and in compliance with applicable national and international legislation.
We remain neutral towards various political and religious views or other ideologies. We do not impose adherence to any movement or orientation, and also guarantee and protect the freedom of workers to join trade union organizations. Equally, workers undertake to not impose their ideological or political views on the company.
The criteria for correctness, collaboration and loyalty must guide not only the relationship between recipients, but also relationships with third parties.
Basing relationships on respect is the only way to create a climate of mutual trust that will lead to a serene and collaborative working environment. It will avoid conflict, discrimination, violence or any other form of inappropriate behavior capable of negatively influencing the working environment.
Intellectual curiosity, open-mindedness and predisposition to change
We strongly believe in expertise and know-how. We promote and offer professional development pathways with a view to Lifelong Learning, both in technical-professional skills and in corporate and managerial skills. We promote dialogue between our employees, proactivity, intellectual curiosity and culture.
We see difference as a great resource and consider open-mindedness and sharing different points of view as an indispensable prerequisite in the process of change. This approach prepares the ground for development and the evolution of processes that are essential to remaining competitive within increasingly complex market dynamics.
Integrity, honesty and transparency
TeaPak bases its business on the principles of ethics, honesty and transparency.
We require our employees to comply with both legal and moral contracts. In carrying out our business activities we undertake to meticulously respect current legal and economic legislation. We strongly reject any form of illegality and make the utmost effort (within our competence) to implement initiatives aimed at combating crime.
No conduct contrary to law should be undertaken by any recipients; even if abstractly motivated in the interest of TeaPak, it cannot be considered justified. Consequently, if such behavior is found, it will result in the adoption of disciplinary measures by our company.
All workers are required to carry out their duties according to all principles listed in this document and to follow the ethical and professional codes related to their position.
We undertake to comply with the regulatory provisions of confidentiality of information and the protection of personal data by ensuring that our procedures comply with applicable legislation (currently Reg. EU 679/2016 and Legislative Decree. 101/2018).
The recipients undertake to behave in such a way as not to damage, discredit or otherwise compromise the image of the company.
Attractive Strengths
We operate with integrity, ensuring solid Governance, which is rooted in our code of ethics and embraces profound concepts of sustainability.
We take care of people through their personal growth, guaranteeing inclusion at all organizational levels and promoting corporate welfare as one of our main pillars.
We encourage people development by providing training dedicated to achieving ever higher professional skills that always aim at continuous improvement.
We organize and sponsor events ranging from solidarity to team building, with particular focus on all activities in support of the environment and our planet.
We have created and maintain a safe working environment, in which innovation and efficiency go hand in hand with the high quality of our processes.
We value merit and we invest in talent management, offering significant motivational levers through remuneration and retention policies that incorporate both tangible and intangible aspects.